
Big Energy Show lesson plan 7-11s

The Big Energy Show is designed to get your whole school interested in using energy efficiently. At the heart of the activity is a big bar chart. Designed by students, it should be big, bold and colourful and illustrate past and present electricity consumption to get everyone involved to use energy more efficiently!

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  • Age groups: 7-11s
  • Subjects: Science
  • Topics: Energy

Curriculum links



Number - addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve problems, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.




Working scientifically

Pupils should be taught to:

  • ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them 
  • make systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, take accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and dataloggers 
  • use results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions



Knowledge and understanding of environmental change and sustainable development

Pupils should be taught to: 

  • recognise how people can improve the environment or damage it, and how decisions about places and environments affect the future quality of people’s lives (5a) 
  • recognise how and why people may seek to manage environments sustainably, and to identify opportunities for their own involvement (5b)


Planet Earth

Energy sources and sustainability By considering examples where energy is conserved, I can identify the energy source, how it is transferred and ways of reducing wasted energy. (SCN 2-04a)

Social Studies

People, place and environment

I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally-responsible way. (SOC 2-08a)




Solve mathematical problems

Pupils should be given opportunities to:

  • identify, obtain and process information needed to carry out the work
  • develop their own mathematical strategies and ideas and consider those of others
  • try different approaches; use a variety of strategies, sequences of operation and methods of calculating
  • use a variety of methods to represent data


Handling data

Pupils should be given opportunities to:

collect data for a variety of defined purposes, including those that arise from their own questions, and from a variety of sources




Pupils should be given opportunities to carry out different types of enquiry by:


  • where and how to find relevant information and ideas


  • form considered opinions and make informed decisions


  • describing how they have learned and identifying the ways that worked the best
  • linking the learning to similar situations, within and outside school


The Sustainable Earth

Pupils should be given opportunities to study:

  • the properties of materials relating to their uses

How things work

Pupils should be given opportunities to study:

  • the uses of electricity and its control in simple circuits



Understanding places, environments and processes

Pupils should be given opportunities to:

  • identify and describe natural and human features, e.g. weather conditions, types of buildings
  • describe the causes and consequences of how places and environments change, e.g. by season; from past to present; the need for sustainability


Pupils should be given opportunities to / for:

  • Observe and ask questions about a place, environment or a geographical issue, e.g. Why does it flood? How and why is our village changing?
  • Reflecting


Pupils should be given opportunities to:

  • express their own opinions and be aware that people have different points of view about places, environments and geographical issues


Pupils should be given opportunities to:


  • living in my world: caring for places and environments and the importance of being a global citizen

Carry out

  • investigations of ‘geography in the news’, topical events and issues in the local area and the wider world

Ask and answer the questions

  • Where is this place/environment? What is it like and why?
  • How have people affected this place/environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?

Northern Ireland

Mathematics and Numeracy

Handling data

Collecting, Representing and Interpreting Data

Pupils should be enabled to:

  • collect, classify, record and present data drawn from a range of meaningful situations, using graphs, tables, diagrams and ICT software
  • explain their work orally and / or through writing and draw conclusions

The World Around Us


Pupils should be enabled to explore:

  • the effect of people on the natural and built environment over time


Pupils should be enabled to explore:

  • positive and negative effects of natural and human events upon place over time

Change over Time

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

  • the effects of positive and negative changes globally and how we contribute to some of these changes